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Tips For Reducing The Price Of Hiring An Electrician


Over the past couple of years the demand for electricians has increased steadily. However, finding a good electrician is till like finding a needle in a haystack and this is despite the fact that these services are popping up almost everywhere. In most cases the electricians you encounter are either not qualified enough or they are not certified or don’t have enough experience so either way hiring them is not a good idea. That said more qualified and experienced electricians tend to be expensive. Sometimes as much as 50% more expensive but you don’t have to pay that much for their services if you know how to negotiate and understand the quote they give you. Expect to save around 30% off what is quoted if you are prepared to do some work on your own.

Get multiple quotes

To start off with you should first get an idea of what the cost will be for that given job. Visit a few nearby electricians and don’t worry about their qualifications. Just ask them to take a look and give you a quote. Even though you may not have any intention of hiring them the quote should tell you a little of what you can expect in the way of work and costs. Also ask them to break up the quote to clearly outline things like labor charges, installation costs and replacement costs. If they are going to for instance replace switches or fuses then ask them to detail what types of fuses they will use and what switches they are going to use. These are very important factors to consider because the quality of these items vary and installing low quality may in fact end up being cheaper but they will not last you as long as properly manufactured and warranty backed replacements. The more you know about what they will install the better position you will be to judge if the electricians you’ve consulted are any good.

Compare quotes

Compare the quotes that you’ve received from the electricians you’ve consulted. Compare labor costs and replacement costs. Ideally, you will want a good electrician to use high quality parts and charge you little in the way of labor. However, as mentioned earlier you’ve gotten these quotes simply to get an idea of what you’ll end up paying. This will also help you negotiate with an expert electrician.

Negotiate with comparisons

An expert electrician is obviously going to be more expensive to hire than the ones you’ve consulted. It is assumed that you’ve verified that they are experts and experienced because everyone will say that they are. The best way to negotiate is to ask the electrician to lower their labor costs by around 10% and not charge you for replacement parts. Rather offer to buy the parts yourself. He should provide you with a list and you can search for these parts online which are often available at way lower prices than what the electrician may offer them to you for. However, keep in mind the fact that you should always buy replacement parts backed up by a warranty. If it does not have a warranty then there is a good chance it will fail and ruin the job the electrician did.

A complete quote

Many expert electricians may charge you by the hour. The quote will reflect their hourly labor charges. You can reduce the cost to some extent by asking them for a complete quote. Ask them to charge you based on the work done and not the hours it takes. The upside to this is that the electrician will work faster and take fewer breaks which results in an overall saving for you. Hiring an electrician can often be a rather stressful decision. The best way to do it is to hire a known and established expert electrician service like the one offered by Electrician to the Rescue. The service backs all their jobs with a solid warranty and they have been around for ages. If you are in a hurry you can simply visit their website and fill out the online request for an electrician and get a response almost immediately this helps you save time.

Citations:The Best Way To Choose the Best Electrician

Mark is a certified and experienced electrical engineer. He has been working as an electrician in Sydney for well over a decade. A keen eye for detail and an interest in all things electrical is what has made him one of the leading electricians in the country. He is also the author of various how-to publications

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How To Save Money On Your Energy Bills


There is no surprise that many of us are searching for ways to reduce our household energy bills in order to free up extra cash that we can use for enjoyment in our everyday lives. Most of us would much rather be spending our hard earned cash on days out the family and spending time with friends. To try and keep a little more cash in your wallet or purse take a look at the tips below and see just how much money you could be saving in no time with a few simple changes.

If you tend to leave your TV or any other home gadgets on standby start to turn them off. You could save between £50 - £90 a year if you do!

Switching to energy saving light bulbs is one of the easiest ways to help reduce your electricity bill. You could end up saving up to £35 a year. It may not sound like a lot but it’s more than enough to treat yourself to a nice lunch or dinner out with a friends. Which would you prefer?

Try using your computer less often by switching to a smaller device such as a laptop or a tablet. You could save around £26 a year. Try taking a shower instead of a bath for just one day in the week and you could save around £15 a year on your gas bill.

Sticking to all of the above tips could save you up to £166 a year. Just imagine what you could do with that! For more great ways to help lower your energy bills and keep your money in your pocket take a look at the infographic below created by the expert team at Juice Electrical Supplies UK.

Created by Juice Electrical Supplies UK.

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Look At The Top 5 Home Interior Gadgets


The advancement in technology has made people to think of ways to automate their home. Several gadgets serve best for home interiors and ranked on the top in 2013.


Lockitron is an excellent gadget that can be fixed with the deadbolt on the inside of the door. You can lock or unlock your door using your smart phone and you can share the access of your doors to your friends as well. You get a message each time the door is open. An interesting option is the Bluetooth connectivity as you just need to walk up the door for it to unlock.


Hue is an interesting LED bold starter pack. You can control the lighting options from your smart phone. The bulbs are built with an app and feature a Wi-Fi receiver and brightness, color and on/off operations can be controlled.


Nest is an intelligent artificial robot that can sense your presence. It has device connectivity, Wi-Fi connection and remote control options.

Ninja Blocks

Ninja Blocks are tiny computers that can speak to neighbor apps. It is possible to connect all things at home to the web. Even a knock at the door is notified through Facebook or Twitter.

Numi Toilet

Numi Toilet is an advanced toilet with plenty of automations and has music.

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Radiant Heating

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If you want to get rid of a cold floor in your home and want to heat your home floor, where the heat is less when compared to the remaining rooms, then it is time to think about radiant heating. Radiant heating is a heating system that has become very popular in new home construction in cold climates. This is because; radiant heat offers energy savings along with comfort for homeowners.

Finding the radiant heater is very easy. You can find them in local or online stores. However, if you want to save time and money, buy online radiant heater can be your choice. Simply by entering keywords buy radiant heating in the search engines, you will find hundreds of sites that sell various types of radiant heat systems. But, there is one type of radiant heating system that stands out, that is infrared heaters from CALORIQUE.

CALORIQUE is a world leader in the production of affordable, energy-efficient infrared heating element for a variety of applications, especially for electric under floor heating, which can maximize the effective conductivity of elemental carbon. In addition, the radiant heating system CALORIQUE is a flexible heating system, energy-efficient and cost-effective alternative for environmentally conscious households and institutions, where the idea of renewable energy should be actively implemented.

Do not hesitate! CALORIQUE heating elements made to maximize the energy efficiency. Using unique precision printing equipment Calorique produces heating elements with low wattage, which cover about 66% to 84% of the film surface, which maximizes the thermal mass. This ultra – effective heating elements distribute heat evenly on a very large area, which leads to a rapid warming and less effort than with other heating. This means that CALORIQUE product is an inexpensive way for floor heating, ceiling heating, floor heating and an effective way of operating the main heating source.

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Cold Feet? Not any more

Electric under floor heating with radiant heat film

The Roman people were incredible engineers. They were able to move water from several hundred miles away to Rome for bathing and fresh water. They created the arch – one of the most noticeable of monuments today, but there is another system they invented that has for a long time fallen out of favor until recently.

The hypocaust was a system of underfloor heating elements that kept wealthy Roman homes and baths warm and cozy. Today, there is a system based on this same concept available in your home.

The Roman people would use hot air. This was hit and miss in terms of consistent heating, but the new Calorique system uses electricity that can be easily regulated to the optimal temperature for the floor.

Easy to install and requiring no special tools, skills or permits, this mat slides under any wood, tile or carpet floor. This special underfloor material is certified with several agencies as safe. Best of all, it is 100 percent efficient so all of the energy is directly transferred to heat. This means keeping your floor and the rest of the home warm and cozy in the chilly time of the year.

Imagine getting up in the middle of the night for a bathroom visit and not having to find slippers, or leaving a warm shower for a floor that is cozy and not cold to the bottom of the foot. This is what you get with Calorique flooring.

Learn more at the home page. Let us show you how easy warming the floor can be.

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