Do All Plumbing Issues Stem From The Toilet?

Plumbers are a diverse group of professionals. Today, plumbers, like doctors, specialize in the types of plumbing they prefer and are trained to perform. To fully understand plumbing issues would require the level of knowledge and experience, not to mention licensing, as your plumbing expert. The design of plumbing systems is often misunderstood when plumbing issues arise. It is always best to leave these issues with plumbing professionals who understand plumbing systems best.

Do All Plumbing Issues Come from a Clog?

The first thing to visualize about your plumbing system is that there are several major parts. Most of these are familiar in homes and commercial buildings. These include:

  • Drains

  • Faucets

  • Piping

  • Bathroom equipment

  • Municipal drain traps

  • Sprinkling systems for safety and landscaping use

Not all plumbing issues stem from the toilet, though it may be possible that a single toilet clog can lead to a bigger problem with the main drain in the home or building.

How a Toilet Can Mean Bigger Problems

When plumbing issues arise, the issue may be a slow leak or major break in plumbing pipes. The most common issues that arise are usually with kitchen and bathroom plumbing. The ripple effect of a clog that is not immediately repaired leads to more clogging in the entire plumbing system. The worst-case issue is in a bathroom with a clogged or dysfunctional toilet. Since toilets drain into a single main drain system in the home, a clog affects the remainder of the system and prevent other drains from functioning properly.

How City Sewerage and Septic Tanks are Affected by Toilets

There is a close relationship between a toilet and main drainage pipe in homes and commercial facilities. In some homes and buildings, toilets drain into the local municipal sewerage system via the nearest piping system located between the structure and the street. It is the responsibility of the municipality to maintain free flowing sewer systems. When one or more structures on the same streets have clogged toilets, it is easy to see how it can become a major sewer system backup.

In some homes, toilets drain into underground septic tanks. A septic tank should be inspected and cleaned by the property owner(s). Septic tanks are subject to unseen wear and require integrity testing to prevent leaks and cracks.

What are Some Unique, Unexpected Issues Your Plumbing System Could Have?

There are certain unique, unexpected issues that can arise with your plumbing system. For example, today's newest refrigerators are connected to water lines for ice makers. These lines wear and leak. A licensed plumber will inspect the line that carries water from water pipes to the ice maker.

The same is true of dishwashers. These kitchen appliances often become clogged with food particles, causing a backup.

In bathrooms, it is possible that hair builds up in drains and clogs sink and tub drains causing a back up. Perhaps, one of the most unusual, unexpected issues your plumbing system could have is when a toddler accidentally or intentionally drops a toy into the toilet, flushes it and then it becomes stuck somewhere in the plumbing system.

Professional plumbers could write science fiction novels about the various and sundry unusual items that end up flushed into toilets. If the object is large enough to flush, but not large enough to pass through a plumbing system, this novelty issue needs a professional plumber.

Charlie Teschner started MESA Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling in 1982. Charlie has a journeyman and master plumber’s license. He was raised with a strong work ethic and he now applies those values to tasks such as Longmont, CO heating repair.