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How Energy Monitoring Can Reduce Your Emissions And Expenditure

girl sit on the floor

In a time of economic slowdown across the globe, business of all sizes must work hard to protect their bottom line. Even in times of austerity, climate change remains an ever-present issue; reducing your carbon footprint can also help you to control business expenditure.

Whilst being the catalyst for saving energy and reducing costs on a wider scale, businesses often overlook energy monitoring and usage management. Instead, many companies simply cut budgets or attempt to save money in other areas. However, by raising awareness of your energy consumption, your business can make tangible savings, as well as moving towards a greener future.

Strategy & Management

Energy management is all about limiting the effect that your company has on the environment. To achieve the best results, a strategic long-term plan needs to be introduced, outlining responsibilities, investment, procurement and overall communications. This will help promote understanding throughout the company, and make it easier to track each person's role in actioning specific tasks.

Monitoring & Moving Forward

However, in order to identify areas for improvement, it’s important to monitor your energy consumption. Energy usage meters can provide crucial data, to help you visualise energy spikes and establish the consumption of individual machines and appliances.

Recording this data will allow you to pinpoint the heaviest users of energy, which, in turn, will enable you to implement specific changes to energy consumption. With specialist software, you will be able to examine data collected over a period of months, analyse it and develop a robust strategy to manage and reduce your carbon footprint.

What’s more, this information will help you educate staff as to where energy consumption can be controlled, with simple but effective changes such as turning lights and appliances off when not in use. Setting realistic targets can promote implementation, without impacting the performance and operations of your business.

The Future

Energy monitoring and management should be an ongoing process for your business, as a means to promote gradual and lasting change for a greener future. In time and with the right information, energy usage will be reduced for your company, together with its associated costs.

From simple, everyday necessities such as lighting and heating, right up to identifying and sourcing raw materials, energy monitoring is the first step in managing business energy use efficiently and effectively. I hpe you find this information useful.

This article has been written by Kelly G Grassam with useful information from GMI Energy. Kelly can be found on Twitter at @KellyGGrassam if you fancy a follow :D

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