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Home Improvements For The Summer

girl sit down on the floor

Summer is one of the best times of year to do some much needed maintenance for your home. The great weather is the perfect time to do outdoor inspections, and with the everyday heat you’ll want to ensure your air conditioning is in great working condition too. Read on for the full list of repairs, improvements, and maintenance you should plan to complete during beach and barbecue season.

Take Advantage of the Weather

Summer is typically the best time of year to get in your much needed repair and maintenance, especially if you weren’t able to do your annual spring cleaning. Because you’ll be able to be outdoors, this is the best time to do outdoor maintenance and checks as needed.

Two of the most important things to focus on during the warmer months are your sprinkler or irrigation systems as well as any developing cracks or holes in the driveway. For your sprinkler system, it’s best to check as much of the line as you can for leaks while also ensuring the sprinkler heads are positioned evenly over any plants or lawn. This helps to keep water waste down while keeping everything else green. As for the driveway, if you live in an area with tough winters, small cracks can develop and spread over time as water freezes and melts. You can keep small cracks from getting worse next year by filling them in with an asphalt sealer or a concrete repair caulk.

Just because it’s nice being outside, don’t disregard the house inside though. Checking pipes is a good idea to do during warmer months in order to spot any leaks or damages. Winter can be tough on pipes in older homes, and it’s good to check pipes in newer homes as well. Additionally, people typically use more water in the summer than other seasons due to using the hose, watering plants, and filling up kiddie pools or even full size pools. Don’t flush money down the tubes with an existing leak during these high water usage months.

But Don’t be Disadvantaged by it Either

Summer can be the hottest and most humid time of year too however, which can be a drag if you aren’t prepared. By focusing on a few different areas, you can keep cool and keep your house in great shape too.

The first thing to consider is your air conditioning. Central air conditioning will require some different checks than individual air conditioning units. For central air systems, you’ll want to change the filter and clean the two separate components – the condenser and the evaporator. However, for any repairs that are a bit more complicated, it’s best to call a professional repairman. As for the air conditioning units placed in windows, you’ll want to also change the filter and trim any shrubs, bushes, or other plants that may be blocking units outside the windows they’re placed in. This will help the unit to circulate air better while keeping the unit working more efficiently and for longer.

Finally, do regular checks for mold and mildew growing both inside and outside because of high humidity. You can use a bleach solution or other store bought mildew killing sprays to prevent it from spreading. Additionally, keeping plants away from the house will help prevent any mold from growing on the surface of the house too.

Charlie Teschner started MESA Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling in 1982. Charlie has a journeyman and master plumber’s license. He was raised with a strong work ethic and he now applies those values to tasks such as Longmont, CO heating repair.

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