interior design as a good carrier choice

To do interior design for a living you don't necessarily have to study it in college. We live in the day and age when higher education is important, but it also means that after college you are very capable to become anything you want, and change your career in 10 or 20 years after you graduate.

Here are just a few reasons why interior design is a good career choice:

Your age doesn't matter. It's only about your skills, imagination and the ability to inspire others.

You can do more!  The competition in this niche is pretty high. And it might seem like it's a challenge, but it's also for your own benefit. Learn from your competitors, build connections, and don't be afraid to think and act outside of the box. Use social media actively. Sharing your pictures and ideas on Twitter and Pinterest is a great way to find more clients, and it also works as a free advertisement. In addition to that, you can write reviews and tutorials for magazines thus sharing your ideas with wider audience.

It can be your side/part-time job. Flexible schedule is huge benefit of this job. Perfect for staying at home moms and those who have a day job and don't want to quit.

Check out some inspirational ideas from those who already chose interior design as a profession and even life!