Von konovalecd auf Saturday, 14 May 2016
Kategorie: Allgemein

Conservatory Decorating & Design Ideas

Whether you’re planning to use your new conservatory as a dining room, summer sun trap, extra lounge or even a study or playroom, you’ll need to carefully consider its design before you start decorating. Here are some conservatory interior design ideas to get some inspiration flowing

Conservatory Design Ideas

Think through each of the sections below to establish an overall conservatory interior design.

Conservatory type

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to choose what type of conservatory you want to install – you might want to go for something that matches the style of your property or the period it was built in – of course, you could go for something completely different. Either way, it’s a good idea to keep your conservatory size in proportion to the rest of your home. The main styles to choose from are:

Conservatory colour scheme

A good way to start formulating a conservatory design is to choose a colour theme, some popular choices include:

Conservatory flooring

Flooring makes a real difference to your conservatory, both in terms of style and practicality; you’ll want something durable and long lasting that matches your conservatory design. Some common conservatory flooring options include:

Conservatory blinds

The right conservatory blinds will provide privacy, help filter the sun’s glare in summer or conserve heat in the winter. Choose blinds that match or compliment the rest of your conservatory design, think about material, colour and texture – options include:

Conservatory furniture

The type of furniture you choose will be heavily influenced by the rest of your conservatory design – going for a nature-inspired theme? Then choose wooden or even bamboo furniture and include plenty of plants and some earthy-coloured rugs and throws for winter. A Mediterranean-style conservatory might need some brightly-coloured fabric sofas, clay ornaments and ceramics; choosing glass and metal furniture for a modern conservatory works well too. Of course, you might want to go the other way and pick one or two signature pieces of furniture to base your entire conservatory design around.

Conservatory heating & cooling

Since it consists of so much glass, your conservatory will be much more subject to outside temperatures than other parts of your home, even if you use specially-coated glazing. This means you’ll likely swelter in summer and freeze in winter unless you think carefully about heating and cooling your conservatory. Installing ceiling fans or an air conditioning system will help keep your conservatory cool in summer while standard radiators or underfloor heating will allow you to carry on using your conservatory in winter.

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